Chancellor Mansion
Devon shows his excitement about Lily returning to Winters. He promises his sister he will be a team player.
Lily thanks him for saying that.
Abby enters and is equally as excited about the news.
Nate’s Apartment
Audra and Nate spend some alone time on the sofa.
Nate gets a call from the P.I. who’s looking for his brother. There’s been no success yet, but the trail has led her to Los Angeles. He gets a text from Devon asking him to meet them at Society and asks Audra to join him.
Audra has doubts about joining and reminds him of how his family treated her previously.
Nate asks her to do it for him.
Audra gives in; a girl has to eat!
Chancellor Park
Billy and Sally go out for a night jog. Billy says he needed the positive energy after the day he’s had.
The pair sit and snuggle on the park bench.