Luke Tittensor’s jaw-dropping transformation has Emmerdale fans buzzing. The actor stepped onto the red carpet for his latest project and looked totally different from his Daz Eden days. Now 34, Luke and his twin brother Elliott are making waves in HBO’s Game of Thrones spin-off. The duo’s new look is a far cry from their beginnings. Keep scrolling to have a look at their pictures!
Emmerdale Star Looks ‘Totally Different’ 15 Years After Leaving The Soap
Luke Tittensor from Emmerdale is totally unrecognisable now. All grown up at 34, the actress is rocking a whole new look on the red carpet while promoting his latest project. He and his twin brother Elliott are starring in the Game of Thrones spin-off House of the Dragon.
With matching outfits, hipster beards, and long hair tied up, they look nothing like their old TV characters. They both started as Carl Gallagher in the Channel 4 comedy-drama Shameless, and the first series was recorded a year before it aired.
However, Luke couldn’t keep going by the time the second series went into production because he had joined Emmerdale. He played Andy Sugden’s half-brother Daz starting in late 2003. Within his first few months, the star made quite the impact by stealing Jack Sugden’s car and setting fire to Scott Windsor’s garage.
For six years, he played his role until Daz decided to leave the village when his feelings for adoptive sister Victoria became known. However, the real reason behind his Emmerdale exit was off-screen – he faced charges of serious bodily harm from an incident in Rochdale, Greater Manchester.
Since then, he has appeared in TV shows like Doctors and Waterloo Road and even starred in the movie Pudsey the Dog. Now, he is part of HBO’s super popular House of the Dragon, which started in 2022. Luke plays knight Ser Arryk Cargyll, and Elliott plays his brother, Ser Erryk Cargyll.