In the latest Young & Restless episode, emotions are running high as long-buried secrets come to light, leaving Genoa
City’s residents facing heartbreak and devastation. The episode begins with Billy, downing a scotch at the bar, visibly
upset. He spots Sally across the room and walks over to join her. Sally, sensing his mood, asks about the wedding, and
Billy responds that everyone had been raving about Abby’s beautiful wedding dress. However, Sally admits that she didn’t attend the wedding, as she wasn’t ready to face Adam. Billy reassures her that Adam wasn’t even there, but Sally confesses she just couldn’t stomach watching people exchange vows.
Billy then reveals a painful truth about his relationship with his mother, Jill. Despite his efforts, she’s not fully behind him. A few weeks ago, Jill had given him an ultimatum, expecting him to fail. She wanted him to fire Phyllis, the only one who believed in him, and to bring Lily back into the fold. However, it wasn’t enough for Jill, and Billy’s frustration is palpable. He expresses just how angry he is with his mother’s betrayal. Not only did he lose Chelsea because of Adam, but now he feels that his company, which he loves, has been taken from him by Victor. But Billy refuses to let the Newmans see him wallow in self-pity. Instead, he vows to make them pay for the pain they’ve caused him.
Meanwhile, Kyle and Diane are at odds as Kyle confronts his mother. Diane insists that she’s in control of Glade and is firing Kyle, much to his disbelief. Kyle argues that Diane has made yet another terrible decision by allowing Victor to manipulate her, to which Diane admits she used Victor to hurt Jack. The tension between mother and son is palpable as Kyle accuses Diane of hurting his father, Jack. Diane acknowledges the truth in his words, but the damage has been done. Kyle storms off, leaving Diane conflicted about her choices. Jack, who overhears the exchange, asks Diane if what Kyle said is true. Diane reluctantly confirms that Victor put her in charge of Glade and forced her to fire Kyle, but she’s unsure if she can carry out the plan. Jack tries to reassure her, urging her to push through and promising that things will get better soon.
As tensions rise, Kyle pulls Victor aside to d
emand answers. Victor confirms that Diane is in charge at Glade, and whether Kyle remains involved is entirely up to her. Victor warns Kyle that he’s now playing in the big leagues, where decisions are cutthroat and ruthless. Kyle tries to appeal to Victor’s sense of family, but Victor snaps, telling Kyle not to lecture him about family. He reminds Kyle that his father almost killed the woman he loves, and Jack is getting off easy in comparison. Despite Victor’s harsh words, he admits that Kyle is a good man but insists that this is how the world works.
The drama doesn’t stop there as Sharon is deeply shaken when Nick arrives at her door. She throws herself into his arms, desperate to know if Phyllis is going to be okay. Nick tells her that Phyllis was in a car accident, having veered off the road after someone crossed into her lane, hitting a tree. Sharon is relieved to hear that Phyllis is still alive, but her relief quickly turns to horror when she starts to confess something terrible. Sharon, in a state of shock, admits that she may have been the one responsible for Phyllis’s crash, though she has no memory of it. She recalls blacking out and waking up on the side of the road, only to see Phyllis being revived by Chance and Nick.
Nick, unable to believe what Sharon is saying, tries to reassure her that she couldn’t have done something like this. Sharon, however, is adamant that it’s true. She admits that she had to shut Phyllis up—whatever it took. Nick, ever the protector, doesn’t believe it, insisting that there’s no proof she was involved and that Sharon would never go this far. However, Sharon sobs, claiming she also killed Heather Williams and can’t live with the guilt any longer. Nick, trying to comfort her, holds her close, unsure of what to make of Sharon’s confession.
Elsewhere, the drama continues as Abby and Devon, celebrating their wedding, thank their families and raise a toast to the people who have supported them, including Victor and Nikki. But the night takes an unexpected turn as Kyle, visibly upset, leaves with Claire. Jack watches the situation unfold, worried about the growing tensions within his family. As the episode progresses, fans are left wondering what will happen next for all involved, especially as secrets and lies continue to unravel in the aftermath of these shocking revelations.