Crimson Lights
Phyllis enters the cafe and sees Michael and Lauren.
Lauren goes to Phyllis and tries to coax her into joining them.
Phyllis claims there are other homicidal maniacs out there, and Michael could’ve chosen any other one to defend.
Michael says he wants whoever did this to pay, and they must find out who ran Phyllis off the road.
Phyllis reminds him it was Sharon.
Michael questions that theory.
Phyllis turns and tells Lauren she betrayed her confidence.
Lauren doesn’t feel she betrayed her and reminds her that Sharon walked in on their conversation. Lauren does admit she confirmed it.
Michael insists they just want the truth.
Phyllis tells them they are lucky she is not dead.
Michael reminds her they’ve already attended a memorial service for her when she faked her death. He insists that defending her didn’t win him any friends, either.
Phyllis claims there is no comparison between her and Sharon. She can see Michael is going for an acquittal and assures him he has lost a friend if he does.
Lauren tries to calm the battling friends but is unable to. Michael storms out and Lauren follows. They pass by Billy and Sally entering.
Billy goes to check on Phyllis.
Phyllis tells him she was wrong about two people she thought were her friends.